Sprinkler stopper

Our new sprinkler stopper released in October 2018 have a more up-to-date design.

It is smaller – more flexible as well as more efficient.

It reduces water masses at triggered sprinkler system with ca. 90%.

Watch video:

Sprinkler stoppers is packed with a lable on all stoppers with instructions as well as a QR code that can be scanned to get straight to our website. Instructions also in the lid on the box.

Sprinklerstopperne leveres i eske

The number per box is 10 pieces.

Sprinkler stoppers can be ordered directly from us, order quantity and prices can be found below.

10 pieces: 100,- NOK per piece
50+: 75 ,- NOK per piece
250+: 65 ,- NOK per piece
1 000+: 55 ,- NOK per piece

All prices are excluding VAT and shipping.

Send orders or requests about the price to post@erik-hoel.no then we will send an order confirmation.

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